Divorce Webinars
The Harris Law Firm is dedicated to helping residents across Colorado navigate the complexities of their legal journeys, and to ensuring they have the tools and information to protect their rights and make educated decisions about their futures.
To help you on your journey, we’ve compiled past episodes of our Wiser Together Webinars, which feature The Harris Law Firm President Rich Harris and fellow colleagues discussing common questions and concerns we receive about Colorado divorce and family law.
- Are You Ready for a Fresh Start?
- Benefits of Therapy for Kids Witnessing/Experiencing Parental Divorce
- Bitcoin & Other Forms of Cryptocurrency in Colorado Divorce
- Business Valuation Challenges and Conundrums in Colorado Dissolution of Marriage Proceedings
- Calling All the Men: Unique Considerations for Men Involved in Divorce
- Calling All the Women: Unique Considerations for Women Involved in Divorce
- Can I Recover from Infidelity and Betrayal?
- Costly Divorce Mistakes and how to avoid them
- Communicate with my Ex? Well, You Don’t Know My Ex!
- Contemplating Divorce - Next Steps to Protect Yourself, Your Children, and Your Assets
- Decrease Stress & Improve Coping Skills: Strategies to Support your Emotional Journey through Divorce
- Decrease Stress & Improve Coping Skills: Strategies to Support your Emotional Journey through Divorce II
- Destructive Behaviors That Will Destroy Your Divorce or Custody Case
- Destructive Behaviors That Will Destroy Your Divorce or Custody Case II
- Dividing Retirement Accounts in Divorce
- Divorce 101- Everything you need to know for a Colorado Divorce
- Divorce: 10 Things to Consider if You are Thinking About Getting Divorced
- Divorcing after Age 50: What to Consider
- Divorce Coach - Why Hiring One Can Make All The Difference
- Divorce & Inheritance
- Divorce Is a Sh*t Sandwich…. How to Handle the Stress with Coping Skills
- Divorce Options
- Divorcing with Clarity and Confidence
- Does the IRS know that I am Divorced?
- Drafting a Parenting Plan when Alcohol or Drug Addiction are Involved
- Essential Tips for Divorcing a Narcissist
- Explaining Divorce to Young Children
- Filing a Divorce Appeal in Colorado
- Filing a Divorce Appeal in Colorado II
- Gaslighting in Divorce? Don’t Let it Happen to You!
- Gray Divorce: Questions Answered!
- Healing Divorce Trauma for the Whole Family
- High Profile Divorces
- High Profile Divorces: Special Considerations for High Net Worth Individuals and Public Figures
- Hoping for it to be an Amicable Divorce - Next Steps
- How is Property Divided in Divorce
- How is Property Divided in Divorce II
- How to Beat a Narcissist in Court
- How to Thrive after Divorce
- I am Contemplating Divorce: What next?
- I am Divorcing a Narcissist - What to Expect
- I am Getting Divorced - Protect my Money Please! Date & Time
- I Love Our Home: What Happens to the Marital Residence?
- I’m Finally Dating… Will it Impact my Divorce and Custody?
- Is a “Friendly” Divorce Possible? Do we need a lawyer?
- It’s Going to be a Complicated and Contentious Divorce- Next Steps
- It’s Going to be a Complicated and Contentious Divorce - Next Steps II
- It’s Valentine’s Day: New Relationships and The Impact on Divorce and Co-parenting
- Its Valentines Day; New Relationships and The Impact on Divorce and Co-parenting II
- January is Divorce Month - What you need to know if you are contemplating divorce
- Key Tax Issues in Divorce – Knowledge and Planning to Secure Your FutureLegal Representation in Divorce
- Loan Assumptions - How to Keep your Great Mortgage Rate after your Divorce!
- Maintenance and Alimony in Colorado: What does it all mean?
- Making Wise Financial Decisions During a Divorce
- Moving on after a Divorce: Rebuilding your life
- Moving on after a Divorce: Rebuilding your life II
- Navigating Tax Implications in Divorce: End-of-Year Considerations for Divorcing and Divorced Couples
- New Relationships and The Impact on Divorce and Co-parenting
- Nine Financing Options in Divorce
- Our Marriage did not Survive the Covid Pandemic and We Are Ready for Divorce. What next?
- Post Divorce Tax and Estate Planning
- Preparing For Divorce
- Protecting Your Kids During Divorce
- Retirement Accounts in Divorce: Five Common Questions
- Retirement Plans & Divorce
- Telling The Kids We Are Getting Divorced
- Three KEY Strategies to Mastering Your High Conflict Divorce
- The Law of Maintenance (Alimony) in Colorado - Learn what it takes to qualify, how the courts view “contribution” during long-term marriages, how maintenance is calculated
- Top Ten Financial Errors in Divorce
- Top Ten Financial Errors in Divorce II
- Transitions
- Understanding Business Valuations in Divorce
- Understanding Post-Separation Abuse and Taking Steps to Safeguard Yourself
- Understanding the Separation and Divorce Process in Colorado
- Unique Considerations for Women Involved in Divorce
- What You Need To Know If You Are Contemplating Divorce
- What Does No Fault Divorce Really Mean?
- What does No Fault Divorce really mean? How does Adultery and Addiction affect Divorce?
- What does No Fault Divorce really mean? How does Adultery and Addiction affect Divorce? II
- Why Can't You Just Get Over It? Identifying Trauma After Narcissistic Abuse
- Why Can't You Just Get Over It? Identifying Trauma After Narcissistic Abuse II
- Financial Superpowers: Be Prepared in Your Case
- Divorcing Your Narcissist: Coparenting Documenting and Communication

The Harris Law Firm Difference
Since 1993, our commitment has been to provide the best possible client outcomes through compassionate and effective representation. If you are facing a divorce or related family law matter, estate planning or tax issue, please contact our helpful, compassionate, and understanding attorneys to request a legal evaluation or you can submit your information to ask a legal question. We look forward to helping you!
The Harris Law Firm supports the legal, local and international community. Through deliberate strategic giving efforts, we work together to bring strength, happiness and empowerment to Colorado and beyond. WE CARE about our role in the world around us.
We celebrate the many individual strengths that make up The Harris Law Firm team. We encourage growth while also promoting a collaborative working environment. WE CARE about our team and strive to ensure an environment of collegiality, appreciation and consistent professional development.
You come to us for guidance, support and assistance at a trying time. We take this responsibility very seriously. You deserve a high level of service and excellent legal representation. WE CARE about your challenges, solutions and process for resolution.

Our Testimonials
Hear it from Our clients
The best thing I have done during my contentious, high conflict divorce was to kindly say goodbye to my former attorney and to move forward with The Harris Law Firm. I finally feel like someone is advocating for me.- David
I AM THRILLED and relieved and so ready to move forward. Thank you, everyone, for your hard work on behalf of my sweet daughter. God bless you!!- Jeni
Sangeetha, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you did to help me get this settlement. Thank you for trying to keep the hours down on this case. You are truly more than an attorney. In this case somewhat of a super hero. Thanks again.- Mark
Thank you both for everything you have done to help me have my daughter in my life. My family and I deeply appreciate it.- Paul
We had a successful conclusion to all of our work this morning. The court commented on the fine work that had been done using a combination of the collaborative process and our independent efforts. I would like to thank the team for your patience with us through what has been a very difficult process for us both.- Mark
I am grateful that you represented me because you are smart, talented, generous and kind, and I want to thank you for being you!- Rachel
I am so grateful for your professionalism- Linda
You have helped my family so much....there are no words.- M.P.