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Celebrating 30 Years of Service to Families Across Colorado

Defending Student Rights: How The Harris Law Firm Supports Families in Educational Discipline Cases


Jennie Wray, Partner at The Harris Law Firm, leads the Educational/School Discipline Committee through the Colorado Lawyers Committee. This Committee is composed of Elie Zwiebel, the Executive Director at the Transformative Justice Project of Colorado, and attorneys at various firms who have volunteered to take expulsion or school discipline cases on behalf of parents pro bono. Here is helpful Expulsion Defense information.

Attorneys who volunteer to accept these cases receive training in this area through the Expulsion Pro Bono Project CLE training, available through the Colorado Lawyers Committee. This project has now helped close to 30 families and counting and has achieved favorable results in getting children back into school. Getting children back to school is important in preventing the school to prison pipeline. Here is a helpful flyer for students and families about student’s rights if they are expended, expelled, or stopped/arrested by police can be found here.

The Harris Law Firm is committed to the important work of helping students and families defend their rights around educational discipline. Several of our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to assist parents with school discipline issues that their child may be facing.