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Denver Guardianship Lawyer

Assisting Clients Across Colorado with Guardianship Matters

Guardianship can be complex and emotionally challenging, especially when protecting the well-being of a loved one who cannot make decisions independently. At The Harris Law Firm, we are committed to helping clients in Denver and throughout Colorado navigate the intricacies of guardianship law to ensure that the rights and interests of those who need protection are upheld. Whether you’re considering becoming a guardian or need assistance with an existing guardianship, our legal team provides the support and guidance necessary to make informed decisions.

Call The Harris Law Firm today at (303) 622-5502 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our guardianship attorney in Denver!

What is Guardianship?

Guardianship is a legal relationship established by the court in which a guardian is appointed to make decisions for individuals who cannot make decisions for themselves. This could be due to age, disability, or incapacity. The guardian is responsible for making personal, financial, and medical decisions for the person under guardianship, known as the ward. The goal of guardianship is to ensure that the ward’s needs are met and their rights are protected.

What are the Different Types of Guardianship in Colorado?

In Colorado, several types of guardianship may be established depending on the specific needs of the ward:

  • Full Guardianship: The guardian has complete authority over all aspects of the ward’s life, including medical, financial, and personal decisions. This type of guardianship is often used when the ward is fully incapacitated and unable to make any decisions independently.
  • Limited Guardianship: The guardian has authority over specific areas of the ward’s life, as determined by the court. This option is used when the ward can make decisions independently but needs assistance in certain areas, such as financial management or healthcare.
  • Emergency Guardianship: This temporary guardianship is established when immediate action is necessary to protect the ward’s safety or well-being. Emergency guardianship typically lasts no more than 60 days unless the court extends.
  • Temporary Guardianship: Appointed for a specific period, temporary guardianship is used when the need for guardianship is expected to be short-term, such as when a guardian needs to be appointed during a period of recovery from illness or injury.
  • Co-Guardianship: In cases where the responsibilities of guardianship are shared between two or more individuals, co-guardianship allows for joint decision-making. This arrangement can be beneficial when guardians bring different skills or resources.

Becoming a Legal Guardian in Colorado

The process of becoming a legal guardian in Colorado involves several essential steps, each designed to ensure that the best interests of the ward are served:

  • File a Petition: The first step is to file a petition for guardianship with the probate court in the county where the ward resides. This petition must include detailed information about the ward’s condition, the type of guardianship sought, and the petitioner's reasons for seeking guardianship.
  • Notify Interested Parties: After filing the petition, the petitioner must notify all interested parties, including the ward, family members, and any other individuals or agencies involved in the ward’s care. This notification allows others to support or contest the guardianship.
  • Court Investigation and Evaluation: The court may appoint a guardian ad litem, court visitor, or evaluator to investigate the circumstances of the case. This evaluation includes interviews with the ward, the petitioner, and other relevant parties to determine if guardianship is necessary and appropriate.
  • Court Hearing: The petitioner presents evidence supporting the need for guardianship at a hearing. The ward has the right to attend the hearing and may be represented by an attorney. The judge will decide whether to grant the guardianship based on the evidence presented.
  • Appointing the Guardian: If the court approves the guardianship, an official court order is issued, and the guardian takes an oath of office. The guardian must comply with ongoing reporting and monitoring requirements to ensure they are fulfilling their responsibilities.

Contact Our Denver Guardianship Attorney Today

Guardianship can be a critical step in safeguarding the well-being of a loved one who cannot make decisions independently. The Harris Law Firm is dedicated to helping clients in Denver and throughout Colorado navigate this legal process with care and professionalism. Understanding the different types of guardianship and the steps involved in becoming a guardian can empower you to make decisions that are in the best interest of your loved one. For assistance with guardianship matters, contact our experienced Denver guardianship lawyers for guidance tailored to your unique situation.

Contact The Harris Law Firm today to meet with our guardianship lawyer in Denver!

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