Denver Alimony Lawyer
Helping Clients Navigate Spousal Maintenance in Colorado
When a couple decides to divorce, the following question naturally arises: how can each person somewhat shoulder the financial burden of the separation? While couples generally agree that each partner contributed to the marriage differently, divorce requires significant adjustments to both parties’ lifestyles, especially for those who earned less or did not work outside the home.
The economic lives of spouses are frequently so closely intertwined in marriage that it is often impossible later to separate each spouse's respective decisions and contributions. You need an experienced Colorado alimony lawyer to fight for your fair share of spousal maintenance effectively.
Call The Harris Law Firm today at (303) 622-5502 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our alimony attorney in Denver!
In Colorado, the term “maintenance” is used for what many people commonly refer to as “alimony.” Maintenance is intended to allow the lower-wage spouse time to adjust to the financial independence that divorce requires.
Good maintenance agreements are ideally mutually agreed upon and ensure that no spouse suffers financially from a divorce. It is important to remember that maintenance is not punitive—the idea is to create two financially stable households out of one. However, without good legal representation, maintenance agreements can range from overbearing to negligible, neither of which helps bring peace to a divorce.
Types of Alimony in Colorado: Understanding Maintenance Variations and Their Purposes
First, it can vary in amount. Second, it can vary in duration, ranging from one lump sum payment to indefinite monthly payments. Finally, it can vary by the types of limitations placed upon it.
The following are different types of maintenance that can be awarded:
Temporary Maintenance: Support During Divorce Proceedings
Many couples cease sharing income at the time of separation, which can be detrimental to a spouse who was not working at the time or earning less income. The lower-earning spouse can petition for temporary alimony to assist them while the divorce is in progress.
Rehabilitative Maintenance: Empowering Self-Sufficiency
If one spouse stayed home to raise children or manage the household while the other worked, they could petition the court for rehabilitative alimony to support them. At the same time, they pursue further education or training to increase their earning potential. This is the most common form of alimony in Colorado.
Reimbursement Maintenance: Compensating Contributions
As the name implies, reimbursement alimony is for spouses who provide financial support for the other spouse's education and job training advancements during the marriage. When the marriage ends, the spouse who supported their partner no longer receives the benefits of those advancements and may be entitled to reimbursement.
Permanent Maintenance: Long-Term Financial Support
Permanent alimony is rare and only awarded in cases where one spouse cannot become financially independent because of advanced age, illness, disability, or the inability to gain employment skills.
Serving Colorado for 25 years, The Harris Law Firm understands how important it is to establish fair maintenance for both parties. Our Colorado alimony lawyers are committed to finding the best possible solution for you and your family.
Get started on your case today by calling our firm at (303) 622-5502. Our attorneys are ready to provide you with wise counsel.
Factors Influencing Alimony in Colorado
In 2014, Colorado lawmakers developed advisory guidelines for the amount and term of alimony to make maintenance awards more consistent throughout the state. Courts are allowed to deviate from the guidelines, which only apply to parties who have been married for at least three years and have a combined annual adjusted gross income of less than $240,000.
The court may consider the following factors when awarding maintenance:
- The lifestyle of both spouses during the marriage;
- The distribution of marital property;
- Both parties' employability, whether additional training or education is necessary;
- Whether one party has historically earned higher income or lower income;
- The duration of the marriage;
- Whether any temporary maintenance was paid during the pendency of the divorce;
- The age and health of the parties, considering significant health care needs;
- Significant economic or noneconomic contribution to the marriage or the economic, education, or occupational advancement of a party;
The amount of support can be negotiated and agreed upon by the parties involved as long as it is not unconscionable. Additionally, maintenance can permanently be waived, and a party can use the waiver of alimony as a bargaining tool to receive a particular marital asset or some other benefit.
How the Duration of Marriage Affects Alimony Awards in Colorado
Marriages of less than three years generally do not have maintenance awards. For marriages greater than three years, a sliding scale relative to the length of the marriage determines how long maintenance is given. For marriages greater than 20 years, there is no set formula; rather, it is within the discretion of the Court to determine a length of time when maintenance may be paid.
Modifying Alimony: Adjusting to Significant Life Changes
Maintenance is determined case-by-case and ends upon death, remarriage, or as otherwise agreed. However, if one spouse experiences significant changes in income-related circumstances, they may petition the court to modify their existing alimony agreement.
When Does Alimony End in Colorado?
In Colorado, the termination of alimony, also known as spousal maintenance, depends on various factors. Here are the typical circumstances under which alimony ends in the state:
- End of the Term: Alimony is often awarded for a specified duration. Once this period ends, the obligation to pay alimony ceases.
- Remarriage: If the recipient spouse remarries, alimony generally ends. The paying spouse must usually petition the court to terminate the payments, providing proof of the remarriage.
- Cohabitation: Alimony can end if the recipient begins cohabitating with another person in a romantic relationship. This is not automatic and typically requires the paying spouse to file a motion and provide evidence of cohabitation.
- Death: Alimony payments end upon the death of either the paying spouse or the recipient spouse.
- Court Order: Alimony can be modified or terminated by court order. This can occur if there is a significant change in circumstances, such as a substantial change in either party's financial situation.
- Agreement Between Parties: The parties involved can agree to terminate alimony. The court must approve this agreement.
- Full Payment: In cases where a lump-sum alimony is awarded or an agreed-upon amount is paid in full, the obligation ends upon completion of the payment.
Can Alimony be Waived in a Prenuptial Agreement in Colorado?
Yes, alimony can be waived in a prenuptial agreement in Colorado, provided that the agreement meets specific legal standards. For the waiver to be enforceable, the prenuptial agreement must be entered into voluntarily by both parties, with full disclosure of each party’s financial circumstances. Both parties should also have had the opportunity to consult with independent legal counsel. If these conditions are met, the court will likely uphold the waiver of alimony unless enforcing it would cause significant hardship to one party.
How Does Spousal Maintenance Affect Taxes?
As of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, for divorce agreements executed after December 31, 2018, alimony payments are no longer tax-deductible for the paying spouse, and the recipient spouse does not need to report the payments as taxable income. This change affects how both parties might approach negotiations and settlements regarding alimony, as the tax implications can no longer be used as a bargaining tool like before this legislative change.
What Happens if a Spouse Does Not Pay Court-Ordered Spousal Support?
If a spouse fails to pay court-ordered alimony in Colorado, the recipient spouse can take legal action to enforce the order. This might include filing a motion for contempt of court, which can result in penalties for the non-compliant spouse, including fines and even jail time. Additionally, the court may order wage garnishment, where the alimony payments are directly deducted from the paying spouse’s paycheck. Both parties must adhere to court orders to avoid legal complications and additional expenses.
Contact Our Denver Alimony Attorney Today
The Colorado alimony attorneys at The Harris Law Firm have over 250 years of combined experience, are skilled negotiators, and understand how maintenance is calculated in Colorado. Our grasp of family law and spousal support makes us an invaluable resource to any spouse filing for divorce.
Contact The Harris Law Firm today to schedule a meeting with our alimony lawyer in Denver!

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The best thing I have done during my contentious, high conflict divorce was to kindly say goodbye to my former attorney and to move forward with The Harris Law Firm. I finally feel like someone is advocating for me.- David
I AM THRILLED and relieved and so ready to move forward. Thank you, everyone, for your hard work on behalf of my sweet daughter. God bless you!!- Jeni
Sangeetha, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you did to help me get this settlement. Thank you for trying to keep the hours down on this case. You are truly more than an attorney. In this case somewhat of a super hero. Thanks again.- Mark
Thank you both for everything you have done to help me have my daughter in my life. My family and I deeply appreciate it.- Paul
We had a successful conclusion to all of our work this morning. The court commented on the fine work that had been done using a combination of the collaborative process and our independent efforts. I would like to thank the team for your patience with us through what has been a very difficult process for us both.- Mark
I am grateful that you represented me because you are smart, talented, generous and kind, and I want to thank you for being you!- Rachel
I am so grateful for your professionalism- Linda
You have helped my family so much....there are no words.- M.P.