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Celebrating 30 Years of Service to Families Across Colorado

The Harris Law Firm Named 5280 Magazine’s “Face of Family Law”

5280 Magazine

The Harris Law Firm is proud to announce that we have  been featured as “The Face of Family Law” in the April 2023 issue of 5280 Magazine. The article focuses on the firm’s overall experience, which exceeds 30 years and 9,000 cases now.

Since we first opened our doors in 1993, The Harris Law Firm has continually built our reputation as a professional yet genuinely compassionate family law firm. We have helped thousands of families through difficult times. Eventually, our popularity and practice expanded so much that we can call ourselves Colorado’s largest family law practice.

We owe our success to the core principles of our firm, which include:

  • Being guided by real values, conviction, and integrity.
  • Devoting our entire practice to family law—no distractions.
  • Prioritizing the best interests of children in any case.
  • Using a collaborative, teamwork approach whenever possible.
  • Creating tailored, personalized solutions.
  • Paying attention to each client’s emotional needs.
  • Communicating honestly, openly, and frequently.
  • Doing what we can to keep costs fair and manageable for clients.

5280 Magazine, coincidentally also founded in 1993, is one of the most popular publications in Colorado with more loyal readers than many nationally-published magazines. It offers readers a chance to learn about some of the newest and greatest names, businesses, and events happening in Denver, which is famously situated at roughly 5,280 feet in elevation. Each year, it announces its “Faces of” series, which highlights businesses, professionals, and service providers of distinction throughout Colorado.

From our entire law firm, we want to thank 5280 for naming us the “Face of Family Law” in Denver, Colorado. We look forward to living up to the title, growing our reputation, and helping as many locals through family law disputes and divorces as we can.

If you have a divorce or family law case that you want to be handled by a professional attorney, please feel welcome to reach out to The Harris Law Firm at any time. We can be contacted online or by dialing (303) 622-5502, and we have law offices in Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, and Englewood, for your convenience.

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